Selangor State Development Corporation Enactment 1964 (Revised-2014)


2 - The Corporation




Constitution of the Corporation
4 [1]

The Corporation shall consist of—

(a) a Chairman, who shall be the person for the time being holding the office of Menteri Besar, Selangor;

(b) a Deputy Chairman, who shall be the person for the time being holding the office of State Secretary, Selangor;

(c) two ex officio members, who shall be the persons for the time being holding the offices of State Financial Officer and State Engineer, Selangor;

(d) not more than five other members to be appointed by the Ruler in Council from amongst persons appearing to him to be qualified as having wide experience of and proven capacity in matters relating to banking, manufacturing, housing, commerce, finance, professional or administration, or to be otherwise suitable for appointment by virtue of their special knowledge and experience; and

(e) three representatives of the Federal Government appointed by the Minister.

4 [2]

Where the members appointed under paragraph (1)(a),
(b), (c) and (d) exceed six in the case of appointments made before the 6 February 1981 such members shall continue to be members until their respective terms of appointment expire or for not longer than one year from the 6 February 1981, whichever period comes sooner.

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